
Where Energy Is Made in the Human Body

There seems to be a universal craving in all of us to have more energy. We don’t like being limited in the things we can accomplish by any form scarcity — whether it is scarcity of time, money, other resources, or the energy levels to accomplish the things that we dream of doing. We push ourselves to greater feats of athletic accomplishment, idolize the gold medalists at the Olympics, and find a strange fascination with seemingly superhuman feats of strength.

At the same time, most of us are not olympic athletes or superheroes, and we can often struggle to have the energy to just beat our own personal best or be a top performer at work. When you consider that many people are juggling a heavy schedule, taking care of children, keeping up a social life, and trying to pursue hobbies or other things that make them happy, it’s no wonder that we find ourselves frazzled, stressed out, and beaten down from even a typical week.

But instead of settling for just drinking more and more coffee in order to get through the day, what if you could enjoy a veritable energy transformation that left you stronger than ever without the crash and health hazards of some of the mainstream methods of delivering you an energy boost?

Being able to do that requires you to know how your cells make, store, and release energy.

In the simplest of terms, you eat food, and your body converts that into useable fuel that will allow you to perform work.

But let’s take a bit of a deeper look.

The Microscopic Energy Factory

In every cell of your body, you have tiny structures called mitochondria. These are like mini manufacturing facilities that make energy molecules called ATP. You can think of ATP as a kind of chemical currency, or money, that almost any system can “spend” to get the energy it needs to do work. This work might range from anything from triggering a chemical reaction to firing a neuron to enabling a muscle fiber to contract. Run out of ATP, and when you call on your body to do something for you, it just won’t have the wherewithal to pull it off.

All day and all night, your mitochondria are churning out ATP molecules that the cell can then harness to do work. But if anything disrupts this process, you will notice it. Not only will some of your necessary bodily processes break down or stop working as they ought to, you’ll also see a drastic decline in the amount of energy that you have to do everyday or normal things.

So knowing that this is going on in your mitochondria, what difference does it make to your day-to-day life and the choices you make to boost your energy?

Simple: Now you know you need to give your mitochondria the building blocks that they need. Read more in detail about this in our blog post on the energy infrastructure in the cell, and do yourself a favor when you take the energy capsules from Energy By Science.

Natural Energy Capsules


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